Thursday, July 21, 2016

Netflix - Fritz

What is the last thing you watched on Netflix? That was the prompt today. For me, it was Stranger Things.  I'm only about half way through it, but so far, it has all the things I love.  Conspiracies, mystery, a faceless mystery corporation/government agency.  Count me in.  Now, Winona Ryder is pale, but she isn't this pale.  The picture is a little washed out, but also I painted it way too light.  I am happy that it at least vaguely looks like her.

Interestingly, she is the hardest part of the show for me to get into.  Like, she's acting it really well, but I can't help to see her as a teen aged goth type.  Though she's in her forties, if they had cast her as one of the highschoolers, it would have been easier for me to believe.  She's great, I'm just not buying it.

I missed a few days because I was in New Mexico.  Went to see some petroglyphs in Three Rivers.  They were really cool to see.  I wanted to do some sketching out there, but I wasn't really sure I could capture the scenery adequately.  There are some things I really need to work on.  Rocks and any sort of foliage are pretty hard for me.  The trick there is to just try it more.

While I was in New Mexico, though, I did do sketches of my wife's father and son.  Here they are.  I think these are ok.  The one of Cynthia's dad is pretty good, I think.  I like the shapes and shadows.  It also sort of looks like him, so I'm happy about that.

This one, of Killian, is kind of basic looking.  I'd like to think I'm better at art than this, but I suppose not.  The foliage looks like crap, the pose is off, and my ink smeared on the face.  Oh well.

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